January 12, 2018

"Continuous innovation is essential in order to be one step ahead in the sector"

Bet on renewable energies and apply them to the agricultural sector with the aim that the farmer can irrigate with free energy, managing and controlling their installation remotely through mobile devices. This is, broadly speaking, the work of Arentio Teknowation SL, a pioneering company from Albacete in solar pumping installations and isolated systems.

Pablo Madrigal is the Technical Director of this company and in these lines he explains in more depth how Arentio Teknowation works.

QUESTION: For anyone who doesn't know you, what is Arentio Teknowation and what does he do?
ANSWER: "Arentio is a technology-based company that designs the most advanced photovoltaic solar pumping facilities on the market and develops the equipment associated with their remote control and management, to provide farmers with completely remote management of irrigation systems".

Q.: In which countries is your company present?
R .: “Spain, Nicaragua, Colombia, The Gambia, Ivory Coast and Sri Lanka”.

Q.: You work in a sector in which it is important to innovate and seek continuous improvement. Have you made recent investments in this regard?
R .: “With this philosophy, Arentio was born. Continuous improvement and innovation is essential in order to be one step ahead in the sector and differentiate yourself from other competitors. Investments are made permanently, both in research projects with other organizations and in the continuous investment of the company's own resources. In this way we have developed our Osiris solar pumping equipment, as well as recently the ORC (Osiris Remote Control) hardware and software for remote management and control of irrigation farms and their programming. Thanks to this, we have recently received the EIBT (Innovative Technology-Based Company) seal granted by ANCES (National Association of CEEIs), and backed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness”.

Q.: What do you think could be the reason for your company's success to remain competitive in the market?
R .: "Differentiation in the market with highly advanced products within our sector thanks to innovation".

Q.: You belong to the Association of Importers and Exporters of Albacete, ADIEX. How do you see the work carried out by the association?
R .: “Essential to open new horizons beyond the national ones”.

Q.: What aspects do you think should be promoted from ADIEX?
R .: “Continuous search for markets and opportunities abroad. As well as sharing the experiences between the different associates to facilitate the path that others have already traveled”.

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