26th September 2017

"The reason for the success of Goyval Vinagres is perseverance and a job well done"

Goyval Vinagres SL is a company that was born in 1996 dedicated to the production, aging and bottling of vinegar. Located in the Albacete town of Madrigueras, this family business became one of the first companies in Spain to specialize in the sector of balsamic and organic vinegars, currently exporting to around thirty countries.

Jesús Gómez Garrido is the national manager of Goyval Vinagres SL and in this interview he details the work of the company he represents in more detail.


QUESTION: With more than twenty years in the market, what are the brands under which you market your products?

ANSWER: “The brands we have in the market are Darro, Vegallana, Leila and Yuca's. The latter is the one we use as a gourmet vinegar, it is well known in Spain and also outside our borders”.

Q: What countries is Goyval currently in?

R: “Right now we are present in the five continents. In the European Community we are practically in all countries. We are also in Africa, in countries like Morocco, Tunisia or South Africa. In the American part we have the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, and in Asia the strong point is Japan, with several clients, and the Nordic countries are also important to us”.

Q: What is the export percentage represented by those countries?

R: "Goyval has had years in which we have had a higher export quota, but in recent years we have grown a lot at the national level, therefore the export quota has dropped to approximately 35%".

Jesus Gomez Garrido

Q: In the future forecasts, do you plan to open new markets?

R: "Of course. Now we are finishing the halal certification and with that we are going to attack the emerging markets of Arab countries such as Dubai or the United Arab Emirates”.

Q: Apart from that halal certification that you already work on, what are the certifications that you have?

R: "Right now we have certifications such as IFS, Koser certification and organic certification since 1997".

Q: What do you think could be the reason for the success of a family business like Goyval?

R: "The reason for success is perseverance, a job well done, perfectly serving the markets and customers, their demands, and being continuously involved in research projects as markets, flavors and customs advance."

Jesus Gomez Garrido

Q: To meet all these demands, you have made a significant investment...

R: “We have made a very strong investment project, which began at the beginning of 2016 and which we have recently completed. We have made the automation and robotization of the bottling line. We have increased production to 8.000 bottles/hour and we are covering all the markets right now without any kind of problem”.

Q: Let's talk now about ADIEX. How do you see the association?

R: “The work of ADIEX is very important. Being in this association is very important since you have coverage from the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Albacete FEDA. All exporting companies being united is always good because there are great challenges, problems at the borders, and we always have to be connected. This association is important, Miguel Tapiador has already done a great job and now with the new president I think he will continue the project upwards”.

Q: You are precisely vocal in this new stage with Iván Torres as president. What do you hope to achieve, what are the objectives that have been set?

R: "The objective is the same as always, to be united, to be very present at any conference or fair, and to extrapolate our concerns to the Administration so that they can guide us and lend a hand."

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