April 26th 2017

How to know if your business project is innovative, financeable and, therefore, viable

Do you have an innovative project and you need to know if it passes a favorable evaluation and, therefore, is financeable in order to start it up?

In the international business financial literature, we talk about two essential metrics to assess whether a project is viable or not: CAPEX (Capital Expenditures) and EBITDA (Earnigs Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciations and Amortization).

That is, the profitability of the capital investments made, that is, investments in fixed assets that cause a positive impact on operating profits and the profit that our company would obtain without taking into account depreciation, taxes or financial expenses.

All of this, which seems like an economic labyrinth in which to get lost, will explain to us what it is Francisco Martinez tomorrow April 27 at the third session of the Cycle of Seminars on Innovation and Internationalization for SMEs that FEDA has been organized, with the support of Capazita SL, the collaboration of BBVA and under the technical direction of our own Association of Importers and Exporters of Albacete (ADIEX).

The FEDA Investment Support Service facilitates the access of companies associated with the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Albacete to the financing that allows them to undertake their investment projects. FEDA's expert technicians help entrepreneurs and their businesses to gain competitiveness, innovation and take advantage of the diversity of existing financing mechanisms.

The conference on the 27th, open to the public, at the FEDA headquarters in Albacete (C/ Empresarios, 6) will put all these issues on the table. You can sign up by clicking on this link.

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